Calling all Angels…

The Art Philosopher

Posted on: 11th Jan, 2011

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I received a lovely journal for Christmas from a dear friend Lynn.  I got it last week , it was one of those lovely gifts that you didn’t get in time for Christmas but was waiting for you in the New year!  Anyway,  I have an interest in Angelic things, probably because of my own Angelic demeanor I feel a certain empathy…STOP LAUGHING!
Anyway, this book gives an Angelic phrase everyday and asks you to reflect on this and use it in your day-to-day dealings. So today’s meaning on this the 11.1.11 ( let’s face it this has to be an auspicious day) says ‘ Call out to Archangel Gabriel (Gabriel is January’s Angel of the Month – GO GABRIEL whoop whoop!) Ask him to help you use your intuitive powers to navigate the world!  Navigate the world no less!  I have asked him (not out loud, people think I’m mad enough already) and am awaiting inner instruction or a man from superior boats to bring me a yacht…… I feel a certain inner strength and support now that I have had a chat with Gabe and I’m hoping he keeps his word!  Seriously though, I would like to believe there are celestial beings looking out for me and as I’m sure you would and I’m going to reflect on these daily phrases and become a spiritually enlightened, quietly calm and together human being.  Please do not mock me for I am surrounded by a team of Angels (it said so) and I am now one to be reckoned with!

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