The Less Fortunate

Whimsy On A Wednesday

Posted on: 31st Dec, 2014

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cheersLets Let’s all raise a glass and say a big cheers to the less fortunate.  Like me.  You’ll see why at the end.

Anyway, I’ve put the Gin down, as you can see above and gone straight in for the port.   It’s time to cheer up and get with the NY programme.  I went and put my pink wig on.

Pretty in pinkI always, ALWAYS wanted to have pink hair and now I can have it when I want.  I wish I could have been Lady Gaga or Madonna so I could dress up and reinvent myself without someone rolling their eyes or taking the piss out of me; and getting paid so much money I wouldn’t give a toss anyway.

Next step was food.  Not cooking and can’t drive. Oops.  It’ll have to be a takeaway then.   Chinese. They have New Years with dragons.

Here’s what I ordered:

chineseCrispy shredded beef in peking sauce (Spiders legs – cos that’s what they look like to me, like the legs of a tarantula.  Never say that to the server though.  They don’t like it.  I tried once.  Not a laugh.  Not even a hint of a smile.) Seaweed (one of your 5 a day) and rice.

That eaten and washed down with another port and it was time for the big moment….Drrrrrrrrrum roll please…

Fortune cookie


A fortune cookie!  YAY!  I mean what could possibly go wrong?

This could…

your....?Your will be successful in love.  Your what?  Your next-door neighbour?  Your best mate but not you?  Your dog?

Brilliant.  Just brilliant.

I am now donning my coat and off to see a witch for better news…




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8 Comments on The Less Fortunate



31st Dec, 2014 22:12

it won’t be your best mate who’s successful in love that’s for sure!


Jules Smith

1st Jan, 2015 10:01

Hahahaha! Ah well, we have each other so who cares! 🙂



31st Dec, 2014 22:12

I think that the pink gaga hair influenced the content of the fortune cookie message. While I don’ t believe that tea leaves can tell the future, I think that Chinese fortune cookie messages ARE credible.

Your new love is a foregone conclusion.


Jules Smith

1st Jan, 2015 10:01

Does that mean I have to keep wearing that wig for it to work? 🙂

Miss Alister

Miss Alister

1st Jan, 2015 21:01

A girl with wigs is a girl with energy to effect magical things. I love your pink wig, but should you have put that food in the same place as you put the port? Could be barfable…


Jules Smith

6th Jan, 2015 10:01

I think you’d like my blonde afro wig, Miss A. It brings one alive with a certain “Je ne sais quoi!” One has to get flouncy now and then to boost the creative juices.

Yep, port and chinese is a bad combination. I’m too lazy to be classy.



2nd Jan, 2015 01:01

You are awesome in the pink wig…well you’re awesome all the time dear Jules. Hmm success in love. If it pans out please ask him if he has a brother…or a unicorn. 😉


Jules Smith

6th Jan, 2015 10:01

Thank you Tracy! If it pans out then he will definitely have both a brother and a unicorn not to mention the patience of a saint and the common sense not to argue or question.

*Does he even exist*


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